
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I'm terrible at updating.

Some long overdue adorableness that has occurred this lovely autumn. BEHOLD:

Halloween with Daisy! (Be prepared for sass and misery)

Giving me 'tude over the first part of her costume. It had to be put on in steps.

Can you feel the resentment

Trying to have Private Time. The litterbox is a "safe space".

Resigned to her fate, and basking in her beauty.

Second attempt at securing a safe space. Aka hijacking my printer shelf.

Trying to juxtapose all of the pumpkins. This was followed by extensive licking of my printer.

Attempting to get back at me by throwing my dishes around.

Cutest pumpkin patch ever.

She wouldn't be a rabbit if she didn't attempt to eat it. It's just how it works.

Tipping over the pumpkins while also attempting to open her food bin. She is a great multitasker of destruction.

There is nothing cuter than a rabbit butt. EXCEPT: a rabbit butt WITH A STEM ON TOP!

I present to you: Scooby, the newest wiener dog to join my circle of companionship: (it's not my dog but it did visit my house)

Very tiny, very fluffy, and has lovely lowlights on the ears.

For some reason the combination of a puppy treat and the elf costume caused Scooby to lower his back half onto his dogknees. So confusing, yet amazing.

This picture really does sum up my entire existence.

And lastly, Lil: probably the cutest kitten on the planet. Again, does not belong to me, but did snuggle on my stomach so that counts for something.

Roly poly.

To give you an idea of the [lack of] size of this kitten.

Attacking feathered things.

I'm pretty sure this kitten has a lazy eye. But a lovely bright blue lazy eye.

Pawsicles pawsicles everywhere!

It's hard to resist the opportunity to cover sleeping animals in objects.

Anddd that's enough fuzz for now. Stand by for more.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summer Creaturefest

So it's definitely about time I updated. This past summer has been FILLED with adorable creatures and vegan food for Samsie. Prepare for a long but adorable post. First and cutest, the animals:

Meet Louise, the neighbors' Bouvier de Flanders. She looks like a carpeted piano bench.

Louise is pretty, with her lovely moustache and side-bangs.

Daisy hearts bunny slippers.

This is what happens when you let your bunny drink your acai berry smoothie. Note the chin.

** A note to vegans and health fanatics out there: I highly recommend the Acai Berry Smoothie Packs they sell in the freezers of the healthy/organic section of Wegman's (I think they're by the sorbet & sherbert). Run them under hot water, throw them into a blender or food processor with a cup of soy, rice, or coconut milk and a banana and you have an awesome breakfast, snack, or desert. Acai berries are sooooo good for you!

This is the reaction I get from Daisy when I vacuum her cage. If you can't tell, she kind of hates the vacuum.

Adorable chinchilla sleeping action at Wild Side Pets. Very much heart.

Who doesn't love sleeping puppies in their laps? Pug and long-haired mini-dachsund nap buddies, accompanied by yorkipoo tipped over on the left.

A close-up of the nap buddies. So snuggly.

All the puppies were in major nap-mode. Sleeping labs are way cute.

Pekingese lurking behind my back, while resembling Yoda/a gremlin, just the way I like them.

My dog is the ultimate lurker. She loves to be underneath pillows. How convenient for me.

Dachsunds heart blankets.

Sadie fell asleep reverse-spooning me upside down. How creative, yet dignified.

Dachsund siblings get awkward when too close to each other in the presence of their "masters". They are competitive wieners.

Sadie was sitting in this super-awkward pose for several minutes. So confusing.

A very cute view of Daisy's rear end, or "tocks" in CuteOverload slang.

This is what happens when Daisy wants my attention. And by attention, I mean headrubs and/or raisins.

Sadie is too short to be seen from inside unless she stands up.

My sister's friend's cat giving me a sleepy high-five.

Dachsund in a snowhat. My dad later got defensive and hid the snowhat, which is a shame because I often wear it as a rainhat or to attract a date.

So artistic.

Dachsunds heart headwear.

This would be Fumzy, the neighbors' adorable, fat guinea pig. And no, I have no idea why they named him Fumzy.

Fumzy is a lap-dweller.

Fumzy and I are bffs.

A bumblebee I tried to rehabilitate. It had trouble walking and I kept putting it in the garden, but it kept walking back toward the driveway. :(

Frog friend found in Bar Harbor, Maine.

Lovely legs. Very dignified.

Seals spotted during a Whale Watch in Bar Harbor, Maine. (Btw the Whale Watch boat was sea-creature friendly. No propellers.)

A very tired Bernese Mountain Dog that just hiked up a mountain. We shared water with him. Instant bffls.

Beagle hiking buddy on the top of the mountain. I think she was trying to cool off?

Deer with awesome antlers spotted in Maine. Heart deer.

Sweet ringneck snake we found in Maine. It did not heart us.

Close-up of my snake buddy. He/she is smelling me with her/his tongue.

A lurking hiker dog. It kept appearing behind and in front of me on the trail.

Hooray for lurkers.

Sophie, an epic Newfoundland we visited frequently in Maine.

I love the demon eyes.

Sophie hearts belly rubs. She is a gigantic beardog that smells like sea creatures and I love it.

Cat on a truck. Totally typical.

Wood-dwelling cat lurking grass creatures.

I thought this cat was missing an eye at first, but they're actually two different colors. How awesome!

Very cute inchworm friend.

Seagull trolling for treats in the parking lot.

If you look really closely, you can see a pitbull lurking us from the deck. It was such a silent lurker.

And finally, an AMAZING great horned owl that my sister attempted to save. She was able to get it to a wildlife rescue center, but it died just before they were able to look at it. :( :( :( I'm a big fan of owls.

And now, if you actually lasted through my endless post of pictures (or skipped them), my sweet vegan dessert that I got from PETA's free vegetarian starter kit (you can get one at

Chocolate Mousse!

Just take 12 oz silken tofu, drain it, and throw it in a food processor or blender. (Don't turn it on yet).
Melt 3/4 cup vegan chocolate chips in a saucepan, stirring frequently (I use Sunspire organic chocolate chips, which happen to be vegan. They also make carob chips, which are vegan AND dog & bunny-friendly.)
Pour melted chocolate into food processor and blend until mixed and mousse-like in texture.
If you want, you can get fancy like I did and garnish it with extra chocolate chips and/or mint sprigs. I just happen to have mint lying around from mojitos.

Such an easy recipe and it's very tasty.

Okay I'd better stop this post now if anyone is even still reading it. (If so, congrats. You have a much longer attention span than I do.)