
Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Ok I know I just wrote a post this morning and this has nothing to do with bunnies or veganism, but SCREW IT this is an emergency cuteness issue that must be brought to your attention. I took a little stroll over to Cute Overload just a moment ago and was shocked by what I saw. The following image may just make your eyes explode because it is that cute, so proceed with caution:

If I ever applied to work at Hooters, and trust me I never would, but IF I DID, I would sooooo put this picture on my application, cause srsly, how could one say no to that face?! That is THE CUTEST hooter in the entire world. And maybe I'd even earn points for my wit, and the "lol" factor I brought to my application.

Heyyyy since we're talking about owls (well, I'm talking, you're probably not even reading, but w/evs), let's all take a look at my lovely owl tattoo I got done earlier this year:

Which was based off of my drawing:

Which was based off of a really ridiculously cute owl picture I found in a Harry Potter Facebook group, but I can't post it cause I don't have a legitimate source for it and I don't want to get arrested over cute hooters. LOLS.

Oh hey and since I'm already displaying tattoos on here, here's my first tattoo, which I got last summer:

It's the PETA bunny charm, and while I'm not necessarily a huge supporter of PETA, I think it's a good symbol for love of all life and a cruelty-free lifestyle combined with my love of bunnies, especially my Daisybear.



Invasion of the Adorables

So I actually woke up before 3pm today, which left me with the option to actually leave my apartment and do things before the sun set! And what do I always do when I have such sunny free time? Um duh, I take a walk to the pet store and play with all the fuzzy friends.

My trip today was especially overwhelming. When I walked in the door, little did I know that I was walking into a war zone of cuteness lurking behind every corner, ready to ambush me with the urge to snuggle and huggle. Such events are rare and must be documented with photography. Thank God for camera phones. The following images detail my adventures in cuddle land, aka Wild Side Pets in State College, PA. Hooray!


Puppy: "Oh hai. I is adorable and sleepy. And I smell like puppy pee. SNUGGLE MEEE!"

Snuggling commences.

Due to all of the inevitable and uncontrollable puppy movement, I had a hard time getting a decent picture. But you get the idea - crazy cute.

Next up: RODENTS. First stop: Disapproval Central, aka Bunnies.

"Hello. I'd get up but you're not worth the effort."

*Cleans ears to attract potential owners*

"I has spots. You does NOTS."

BunBun: "HAY. I is a miniature disapproving snowball with dirt-covered ears and nose. I can has headrubs, tho?"
Me: "Um, I LIVE to rub bunny heads."

"TANK YOUUU! I is fall aseep now."

Then came the terrified guinea pigs, who went running into the corner squeaking for dear life when they heard my camera click:

And ohh it was my lucky day, they had CHINCHILLERSSSS just a-bein fluffy and bouncing all over the place! Omgs, fuzz to the extreme:

"I is not tinking evil thoughts, I swears."
I am not convinced.

And of course, no pet store would be complete without a sleeping baby ferret:

Next stop: the Puppy Room, aka Disaster Central. Lots of fur scooting across the floor, fingers and clothing being bitten by brand new puppy teeth, tumbling, sleeping in piles, and of course, going to the bathroom in the middle of the floor. There was too much movement in this room to get any decent pictures, except of the sleeping pile. Every other picture just turned out to be a blur of fluff, or else I was to busy holding one puppy while trying to remove teething puppies from my limbs and clothing to actually take a picture.

And then, the kitty room. Now I'm allergic to cats, but that never stops me. I mean a room full of tiny mews, round bellies, random pouncing, and triangular ears galore? Who can resist that? Probs no one. Def not me.

"Oh hewo, tanks for providing me with a great place to spy on other kittehs and pounce on them."

"I can has cuddlez peas? Kthx."

Who needs the Superbowl when you can watch KITTYBOWLS:

"Surely no one can sees me in heres. Surely not."

And now, for the grand finale. The following images contain intense snuggling content, not for the faint of heart. All amateur snugglers who are not well experienced and comfortable with a high degree of cuteness and fur should seriously consider turning back now.

"Hay there. You appear to make a good hammock, I can has a rest?"

10 seconds later:

Now let's close up on that. Zoom is needed to comprehend the cute.

Now please understand, none of these images have been altered in any way. They all convey the cuteness as I actually witnessed it. NO LIE. I'm sure you're all exhausted from "AWWWW"-ing now, so I will let you go lie down. Come again soon to witness more of mine and Daisy's adorable adventures, and have a snuggly day!

Oh p.s.- add Amy Grant to the list of music Daisy does NOT approve of and will thump at until I change it, along with Tom Petty and Hilary Duff. Live and learn, live and learn.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Top Model Bunny

First and foremost, meet Daisy:

"Hai. I do not approve, just fyi."

Daisy is working on her audition for America's Next Top Bunny. She's been dieting to maintain her girlish figure:


Working out around the clock:

"Mmm.. No."

And practicing her poses:

Daisy's a pretty fierce bunny, so I have no doubts she will kick some cottontail in this competition. Her middle name is Tyra, after all, and we all know how much Tyra loves herself and all those who adore her. Sooooo this thing is pretty much in the bag.

If (sorry, WHEN) Daisy wins, as a Top Bunny, she will win a contract with Coverbun Cosmetics, so she'd better be up on her spokesbunny skills!

"I may not approve of much, but I do approve of Coverbun! Nobody's born this adorable. Fuzzy, buzzy, binkyful, Coverbun."

And of course, a Top Bunny must be versatile.

"Rawr. I can has raisins nao plz?"

So stick around for more Daisy adorableness, as well as what's new in my vegan world. Have a fluffy day!


Just seeing if this works and how it looks in different layouts. Don't mind me.